Classroom Rules

  • Hello, and welcome to Health Science! Health Science is not just one class, but a cluster of classes.  The Health Science cluster focuses on careers in planning, managing, and providing health care. The program provides students with opportunities to explore a variety of health careers and make realistic and satisfying career choices. Whether a student is skilled in scientific research, clinical laboratory procedures, written and verbal communication skills, or is skilled in caring for people, career options are available to match these individual interests and abilities.

  •  Classroom Rules

    1.  Be Polite

    2.  Be Prepared

    3.  Be Professional

    4.  Cell phones are never allowed, unless given permission by a teacher or administrator to do so.

     Classrom Rules are listed, and elaborated on, in the syllabus. Some classes have additional rules, specific to the class.  The rules are expeted to be signed by both parent and student and then returned during the first week of instruction.