Phone: 361-584-2547 (Bishop HS)


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science - History, Texas Woman's University Teacher Certification - University of Texas, Austin, History 6-12 Additional Email Contact for students ONLY:

Miss Lois Jaimes

Welcome and hello to US History class.  I have taught for 20+ years.  The courses I have taught include 6th World Cultures, 7th Grade Texas History, 8th Grade US History and, most enjoyably, US History High School content.

During time away from school and school events, I enjoy reading mysteries, biographies, etc., watching movies and baking & cooking.  I give thanks that my father taught me how to make tamales and how to BBQ, while my mother starting me baking with an oatmeal cookie recipe that is approaching 70 years old!

My goal is to have every student be successful on the End of Course exam and to find one or more interesting pieces of history that can be recalled with joy.


Quotes of a Lifetime:

"Never, never, never, never....never give in" -- Prime Minister Winston Churchill, 1941