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Effective Learning Strategies

Homework or Practice Ideas:

Remember to keep your child on a schedule, offer breaks if needed. They will feel accomplished and so will you!

  • Chunk the work into smaller parts

    • Timers can help break time into manageable breaks

  • Keep routines: 

    • the same spot for homework

    • the same time daily
  • Fluency practice- after they have read the book and are comfortable, set a timer for 1 minute and have students try to read the book as far as they can.

  • Comprehension-can they retell the story?  Try and have the student act out or draw what they remember.

  •  Then time them again, make it fun.(Remember, repeated reading builds fluency).


How to Choose Books:

  • Preview the books of interest together and read them together if support is needed

  • Encourage highly visual books that provide support with pictures

  • Look for nonfiction books in areas of high interest because your student will probably have background knowledge that helps with unfamiliar words.

  • Choosing books in a series enables the reader to be familiar with characters and topics and make connections to previous books read

  • Preview using ebooks allows the reader to review/ research titles or topics they may be interested in. 

Reading Together:

  • You can read with your child using a variety of ways:

    • Each take a page to read

    • Read through an ereader such as Learning Ally 

    • Listen to a book being read online and read along in text

  • Practice sounds, find vowel patterns & sight words.

  • Practice breaking words into syllables via movement.

For the second 15 minutes, read to your child.

  • This exposes them to:
    • time with you 

    • a good model for reading 

    • vocabulary that they will not find in their “just right” books. 

Other Reading Ideas:

  • Have them follow along with their eyes as you read, (they will begin to recognize new words).
  • You can also have them choral read along with you.
  • This helps with fluency.You can trade off reading pages.
  • Share online read alouds and follow along with the book
  • Read books on Apps or Websites 

Learning Ally:

  • Thousands of audio booksRead books at your child’s interest level
  • Supports vocabulary growth and fluency
  • Your child should have access to Learning Ally through their dyslexia teacher
  • Access to Learning Ally is now available through Class Link so students can access the app with their single sign in.

Spelling Ideas:

  • Segment, Say, Write
  • Use manipulatives
  • Draw pictures
  • Use a different color to highlight the spelling pattern

Writing Ideas:

  • Set a timer for 5-10 minutes, child does free writing
  • Parent child interactive writing journals, write notes back and forth
  • Make the shopping list, check off items as they are put in the cart
  • Write a thank you note
  • Happy notes on sticky notes
  • Quick Write Lists: for example (would you choose hamburger/hotdog, summer/winter, etc.)
  • Write with smelly markers, or practice tracing letters or words that are difficult.

Summarizing Ideas:

  • The story was about (who)
  • It took place (when and where)
  • (What happened) because (why)

This helps your child understand and explain the story.   It is also a great chance to have your child practice verbal and written expression.


They make learning fun and interactive!

  • Kinetic Sand
  • Thinking Putty
  • Silly Putty
  • Stress Balls
  • Magnetic Letters
  • Shaving Cream
  • Sand/Salt/Kool-aid
  • Stamps
  • Playdough
  • Chalk