Early Childhood Services
ECI is a statewide program for families with children, birth to three, with disabilities and developmental delays. ECI supports families to help their children reach their potential through developmental services. ECI provides each family with the tools they need to incorporate instruction and therapy in their child’s day-to-day activities. The activities promote growth and development in a natural environment and throughout daily routines. ECI is a parent support program helping families help their children reach their full potential through developmental services including: screening & assessment; physical, occupational & speech language therapy; Specialized Skills Services; Case Management & other supportive services. If you have concerns about how your baby or toddler is growing and learning, talk to your child’s doctor, and contact ECI at the numbers listed below.
- First steps when you learn your child has a disability
- Agencies you can turn to for help
- Help navigating Services and Transitions
- Family Life & support advice to keep you going
- Diagnosis and Disability information
- Tips & Strategies every caregiver needs to know
- Developmental Milestones—is your child on track?
- Inspirational videos from parents who’ve been there