Phone: (361) 584-3591 ext. 322
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts in English; Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling Certifications: Special Education EC-12 ENG 6-12 ESL EC-12 Speech 8-12 Counselor EC-12 Principal EC-12 Educational Aide I
Victor "Bud" Moctezuma
I have been teaching at Bishop CISD for 19 years. I am a Special Education teacher at Bishop High School. I currently teach ENG I-IV, Life Skills, and Transition/Job Skills. I also coach many sports: Jr. High Football, Asst. High School Basketball, and Jr. High Baseball. In my spare time I play guitar and enjoy time with my family. I am looking forward to what the 2020-2021 School Year has in store for us!!! Please be safe and Peace!!!!
"It shouldn't matter how slowly some children learn as long as we are encouraging them not to stop."
-Robert John Meehan